Safeguarding and Child Protection

Safeguarding children is everybody's responsibility. 
At UTS we work together as a team to protect children from harm, making every effort to support children and families when they need it most.  All our staff undergo annual Safeguarding and Child protection training, including updates on the Prevent Agenda, to ensure that all staff are able to identify children who may be at risk.
We work closely with external agencies, such as Bedford Borough Social Care, Early Help professionals and colleagues in services which we can access to support our children. This multi-agency work is key to ensuring support is specific, targeted where it is needed most and uses a joined up approach. 
The Designated Safeguarding Leads at Ursula Taylor are:
Ms Kate Hall, Head of School - lead DSL
Mrs Vicki Morrall, Executive Headteacher - Deputy DSL 
Mr Jacob Matthews, Deputy DSL
Mrs Hannah Lee, SENCo and Deputy DSL
Miss Sam Wintle, Safeguarding Lead Teacher
Mrs Susan Ghisi, Active Kids Manager and Safeguarding Lead.
Mrs Emma Warren, Safeguarding Governor. 
Trust Safeguarding Lead, Gail Dumpleton
DSAMAT CEO, Anna Rogers
Safeguarding Team Members can be contacted in the following ways:
  • In person, on the playground or by speaking to the Office Team or through another member of staff
  • By telephone:  01234 359128
  • By email:
  • In Writing: FAO: The Headteacher, Ursula Taylor C of E School, High Street, Clapham, Bedford, Bedfordshire, MK41 6EG
The policy below details more specifically how we meet the statutory requirements from the DfE and also how we comply with guidance from 'Keeping Children Safe in Education' September 2024.
From January 2022 we will be taking part in Operation Encompass, a joint project by Bedfordshire Police, Bedford Borough Council and Bedford Borough Schools, where information about incidents of Domestic Abuse are shared with our school, so we can support our children and families more effectively.
How to raise a concern out of hours or during a school holiday
If school is closed and no staff are available and you have a concern you would like to raise, you can do this directly with Children's Services at Bedford Borough Council.  Integated Front Door can be contacted on 01234 718700 or the Emergency Duty Team if out of hours on 0300 300 8123. More information and an online form for submitting concerns can be found at: