If you would like to arrange a visit or have a question that you would like to ask, please do not hesitate to contact us: 01234 359128 or
Executive Headteacher / Deputy DSL: Mrs Vicki Morrall
Head of School / Designated Safeguarding Lead: Ms Kate Hall
Chairs of Governors: c/o Ursula Taylor C of E School, High Street, Clapham, Bedfordshire, MK41 6EG.
Senior Teacher/ Deputy DSL: Jacob Matthews
SENDCo: Mrs Hannah Lee email:
Office Manager: Miss Debbie Daley email:
Office Manager/Admin Assistant: Miss Charlotte Burnage email:
If you visit our school and require disabled access, we have a dedicated disabled space available in the car park. Parking on school grounds can be problematic, therefore we request that if the car park is full, please park on the High Street and walk into school. Thank you.
Miss Debbie Daley or Miss Charlotte Burnage will be available to answer the phone.
We are a member school in the Diocese of St. Albans Multi-Academy Trust. The Trust website is:
Address: c/o Manshead CE Academy, Dunstable Road, Caddington, LU1 4BB.
Send us a message
If you would like to arrange a visit or have a question that you would like to ask, please do not hesitate to contact us: 01234 359128 or
Executive Headteacher / Deputy DSL: Mrs Vicki Morrall
Head of School / Designated Safeguarding Lead: Ms Kate Hall
Chairs of Governors: c/o Ursula Taylor C of E School, High Street, Clapham, Bedfordshire, MK41 6EG.
Senior Teacher/ Deputy DSL: Jacob Matthews
SENDCo: Mrs Hannah Lee email:
Office Manager: Miss Debbie Daley email:
Office Manager/Admin Assistant: Miss Charlotte Burnage email:
If you visit our school and require disabled access, we have a dedicated disabled space available in the car park. Parking on school grounds can be problematic, therefore we request that if the car park is full, please park on the High Street and walk into school. Thank you.
Miss Debbie Daley or Miss Charlotte Burnage will be available to answer the phone.
We are a member school in the Diocese of St. Albans Multi-Academy Trust. The Trust website is:
Address: c/o Manshead CE Academy, Dunstable Road, Caddington, LU1 4BB.
Ursula Taylor C of E School,
High Street, Clapham,
Bedford, Bedfordshire,
MK41 6EG
- 01234 359128