Wraparound Care 'Active Kids'
At UTS we offer children and parents a ‘care club’ before and after school. Our club is open to all children of school age until the end of Year 6. We currently take up to 60 children at each session but have capacity to increase this in the future if required.
Our breakfast club is open from 7:30am until 8:45 am every day. At 8:45 am children are taken to their classrooms for the start of the school day.
Our After School Club 'Active Kids' runs from 3:30 - 6pm Monday to Friday.
Our children all receive breakfast or a light snack as part of the session and all children are involved in choosing activities and planning sessions that they would like to do. All staff who work in our Active Kids are members of the school team and know our children really well.
As our wraparound care is run by us at Ursula Taylor, all policies and procedures that we have in place at school apply to Active Kids. Key policies, including Child Protection and Safeguarding, Equality, SEND, E-Safety and First Aid / Managing Medicines are published on our website in the ‘Parent Info’ section. Paper copies are available by request from either the school office or the Active Kids Manager Team.
All bookings and payments take place through our ‘Scopay’ online payments/booking system. Sessions for Breakfast / after School Club need to be booked in advance to ensure that we have adequate numbers of staff to meet pupil number ratios. You will need to have credit on the system before you book to make booking possible.
We offer parents the opportunity to pay through work based voucher schemes and we are already set up to allow this for a variety of different companies. If you would like to pay by voucher and do not already do so, please contact the school office and our School Business Manager will be able to arrange this for you.
Emergency / Last Minute Bookings
We appreciate that it is not always possible to book more than 24 hours in advance and that sometimes emergencies happen which require your children to be booked in at the last minute. This is not a problem, if you ring the school office on 01234 359128 we can get your child/ren booked on manually. You will then be required to ensure that there is credit on the account to cover the cost of the session.
Prices for Active Kids from 1.9.19
Breakfast Club 7:30 - 8:45am £4.50 per child
After School Club
3:30 - 4:30 (SHORT session) £4 per child
3:30 - 5:30 (MEDIUM session) £8 per child
3:30 - 6pm (LONG session) £10 per child
Late Collection Fee: £7.00