Special Educational Needs at UTS

At Ursula Taylor C of E School we are committed to supporting all our children to make great progress and flourish during their time in our care. 
We have a dedicated team of staff members who take great pride in getting to know our children and families and who ensure that all children are able to access the full curriculum and enjoy a range of enrichment activities. 
We work closely with other professionals, both in local schools and within the Local authority to provide educational and emotional support for our children and families and also to provide training for staff to keep them up to date with new guidance.
The link below will take you directly to the Bedford Borough Council Local Offer which gives information about the support and guidance for children, families and schools which is on offer in Bedford. 
Our school SENCo is Mrs Hannah Lee who is contactable on 01234 359128 or by email: hmayston@ursulataylor.bedssch.co.uk or office@ursulataylor.bedssch.co.uk
Our SEND Governor is Mrs Sarah Pearson, who can be contacted through our school office.